Taiabur Rahman

Medical Imaging | Software Engineer | Computer Vision | Artificial Intelligence

Academic Projects

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The National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), France
Deep Learning-Driven Automated Segmentation of High-Resolution 3D Histological Mouse Brain Volumes

Developed a deep learning pipeline for automated segmentation of high-resolution 3D histological mouse brain images, enhancing the understanding of genetic impacts on brain structure.


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University of Girona, Spain
Deep Learning-Based Skin Lesion Classification: A Computer-Aided Diagnostic

Utilizing the ISIC dataset, it addresses binary and multiclass classification challenges through data preprocessing, augmentation, and neural networks like InceptionNet and EfficientNet.

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University of Girona, Spain
Elastix-Based CT Image Registration for COPD Lung Analysis

This research contributes to enhancing medical imaging practices in managing COPD, based on data from the COPDgene study.

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University of Girona, Spain
Deep Learning Approaches for 3D Segmentation of Human Brain Tissues

Developed a brain tissue segmentation project at the University of Girona using a 2D U-Net model with a ResNet34 backbone, addressing MRI image variability within the IBSR18 dataset.

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University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy
Automated Skin Lesion Classification: A Comprehensive Analysis of Transfer Learning and Machine Learning Techniques

The classification of skin lesions (benign, melanoma, and seborrheic keratosis) using deep learning models and hybrid models (a combination of pre-trained and machine learning models).

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University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy
Classification Challenge: Alzheimer’s Disease Classification Using MRIs and Gene Expression Data

To categorize Alzheimer's disease (AD), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and control (CTL), a classification system using feature engineering and machine learning approaches.

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University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy
Regression Challenge: Using Linear Regression and KNN Model

Developed a regression algorithm using linear regression and KNN regression and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE).

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University of Burgundy, Franch
Bibliography Review: Comparative study with Automated Kidney Image Segmentation Based on Traditional & Deep Learning approach.

Research articles prepared a review report on Automated Kidney Image Segmentation Based on Traditional & Deep Learning approaches and observed the advantages and drawbacks of each method.

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University of Burgundy, Franch
Traffic (signal light) Simulation and Violation Alert.

The "Traffic Signal Light Simulation and Violation Alert System" enhances urban traffic management by simulating traffic signals and detecting violations in real-time

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