Taiabur Rahman

Medical Imaging | Software Engineer | Computer Vision | Artificial Intelligence

Deep Learning-Driven Automated Segmentation of High-Resolution 3D Histological Mouse Brain Volumes

1. The National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), France
2. ICMUB Laboratory, CNRS UMR 6302, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France
3. NeuroGeMMLaboratory, INSERM Unit 1231, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France

Objective: Enhancing neurobiological studies through the development of an automated segmentation framework for high-resolution 3D histological mouse brain images.
Background: Importance of detailed and efficient brain imaging for understanding neurological development and disorders.

Deep Learning Models Used:
nnU-Net for automated pipeline configuration.
Segment Anything Model (SAM) adapted for 3D medical imaging.
Dataset: Private dataset consisting of nearly raw raster data (nrrd) format, with volumes ranging from 25 to 35 GB.

Performance Metrics:
Binary Segmentation DSC: 0.99
Multi-class Segmentation DSC: 0.87
Efficiency Gains: Reduced segmentation time from 30 hours to 5 minutes per volume.

Visual Demonstrations:
Pipleline Segmented Half and full brain Brain Volume Sequence Segmented Half and full brain Segmented Half and full brain Segmented Half and full brain
Segmented Half and full brain Hover Project Image