Taiabur Rahman

Medical Imaging | Software Engineer | Computer Vision | Artificial Intelligence

Challenge and Coding Contests

Participate in specialized datathons, hackathons, classification challenge and contests to sharpen coding skills.

Event 1 Logo


May 2024 - Automated brain tissue segmentation using OpenAI technologies

Organized by

The Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona (FIB), Polytechnic University of Catalonia · Barcelona Tech – UPC

Photo gallary
Datathon IA4care Logo

Datathon IA4care

Apr 2024 - Automated 3D Microscopic Volume Analysis for Hippocampus Segmentation in Mouse Brain

Organized by

Eseo - Grande School D'ingénieurs, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France

Photo gallary
University of Girona Logo

CT Image registration challenge

Jan 2024 - 3D volume Image registering CT lung scans of COPD patients.

Organized by

University of Girona, Spain

bitsxlaMarató Logo

bitsxlaMarató 2023

Dec 2023 - AI base solution for Sexual and Reproductive health Hackathon.

Organized by

Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona (FIB), Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain

Lleidahack, HackEPS Logo

Lleidahack, HackEPS 2023

Nov 2023 - AI based Solution Hackathon

Organized by

Polytechnic School of the University of Lleida, Spain

Photo gallery Video gallery
Classification challenge Logo

Classification challenge

May 2023 - Alzheimer's disease using MRIs and gene expression data

Organized by

Italian National Research Council, Italy

Quazi Azher Ali SAARC Programming Contest Logo

Quazi Azher Ali SAARC Programming Contest

Dec 2014 - Problem solving - programming contest

Organized by

Bangladesh University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Photo gallary