Taiabur Rahman

Medical Imaging | Software Engineer | Computer Vision | Artificial Intelligence

About Me

Your Photo I am passionate about multiple aspects of medical imaging, including classification, segmentation, registration, and landmark identification. My enthusiasm for these fields drives my desire to collaborate on innovative healthcare technology projects. Specifically, I am interested in AI-driven diagnostics, telemedicine solutions, and patient data analysis. I believe that advancements in these areas have the potential to revolutionize healthcare, improving patient outcomes and enhancing the efficiency of medical services.
I am excited about the opportunities to continue developing my skills and knowledge in medical imaging. By contributing to cutting-edge research and collaborating on impactful projects, I aim to make meaningful contributions to the healthcare industry. My goal is to be at the forefront of technological advancements that can transform medical practices and improve patient care worldwide.

Education and Training

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Medical Imaging and Applications (MAIA). Sep 2022 - June 2024

National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)-France
Master Thesis
Earned 30 ECTS in 4th Semester

University of Girona (UdG)-Spain
Master of Science in Medical Imaging and Applications
Earned 30 ECTS in 3rd Semester

University of Cassino (UNICAS)-Italy
Master of Science in Computer Engineering
Earned 30 ECTS in 2nd Semester

University of Burgundy (UB)-France
Master of Science in Computer Vision
Earned 30 ECTS in 1st Semester

17th EXCITE Summer School on Biomedical Imaging. Sep 2023

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), Switzerland
University of Zurich, Switzerland
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Switzerland
Earned 4 ECTS

Winter School 2023. Feb 2023

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (UNICAS)-Italy

Master in Software Engineering (SE). Sep 2018-Aug 2020

College of Intelligence and Computing,
Tianjin University-China
Engineering Master Degree of Software Engineering

Oracle Certified Professional (OCP). Nov 2017

IBCS-PRIMAX Software (Bangladesh) Ltd., Bangladesh

Professional Web Design & Development. Oct 2014

BASIS Institute of Technology & Management (BITM), Bangladesh

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE). Oct 2010-Feb 2014

Bangladesh University (BU)- Bangladesh
Earned 140 ECTS

Research and Academic Projects

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The National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), France
Deep Learning-Driven Automated Segmentation of High-Resolution 3D Histological Mouse Brain Volumes

Developed a deep learning pipeline for automated segmentation of high-resolution 3D histological mouse brain images, enhancing the understanding of genetic impacts on brain structure.


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University of Girona, Spain
Deep Learning-Based Skin Lesion Classification: A Computer-Aided Diagnostic

Utilizing the ISIC dataset, it addresses binary and multiclass classification challenges through data preprocessing, augmentation, and neural networks like InceptionNet and EfficientNet.

Details [update as soon as possible]

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University of Girona, Spain
Elastix-Based CT Image Registration for COPD Lung Analysis

This research contributes to enhancing medical imaging practices in managing COPD, based on data from the COPDgene study.

Details [update as soon as possible]

Professonal Projects

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Hospital Information Management Systems (HIMS)
[PHP, Laravel, Vue CLI, MySql, AWS]

HIMS software includes electronic health records, Service modules, administrative modules, and financial management.


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Franchise Store Management System (FSMS)
[PHP, Codeigniter, MySql, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax]

HIMS software includes electronic health records, Service modules, administrative modules, and financial management.


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Streamlined Connections: Advanced B2B Ecommerce Platform
[PHP, Laravel, Codeigniter, MySql, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax]

HIMS software includes electronic health records, Service modules, administrative modules, and financial management.


Challenge and Coding Contests

Participate in specialized datathons, hackathons, classification challenge and contests to sharpen coding skills.

May 2024

Automated brain tissue segmentation using OpenAI technologies.


Apr 2024

Automated 3D Microscopic Volume Analysis for Hippocampus Segmentation in Mouse Brain.

Datathon IA4care 2024

Jan 2024

3d volume Image registering CT lung scans of COPD patients.

Image registration challenge